Creating a Selector Object

This topic describes how to add a new Selector Object to a Screen or a Container and its specific properties.

To create a new Selector Object, you need to access a Screen in Design mode.

Once you're in the Screen editing page, locate the Selector Object from the Screen Objects list in the left panel, then drag and drop it onto your Screen or Container.

The Selector Object, just like every other Object, can be moved, resized, duplicated via copy/paste and easily aligned with other Objects on the Screen.

See Configure Screen Objects for more details.


When you create a Selector Object, it is initially empty. The next step is to associate it with an Entity.

To do so, select the Object and choose an Entity from the dropdown menu in the contextual right panel of the Screen editing page.

If the Multiple Data models mode is enabled on the Screen, an additional dropdown menu will allow you to select the Data model containing the Entity to be associated with the Selector.

Once associated with an Entity, the Selector becomes immediately operational and can be used to apply selections right away.
See Selector properties and settings for more customization options.

Resetting a selection made on a Selector only affects the Entity associated with it and the less aggregated Entities on the same Relationship tree. Selections made on other Entities are retained.
Resetting a selection made on a Selector returns the Entity associated with it to the state defined by the Screen selection.

If you apply a selection using a Selector in Design mode and save the Screen, that selection will be the default selection applied to the Screen in Play mode when the end user lands on it. See Selection application sequence (Select at runtime) to know more about the order in which Board executes selections on each Screen.
We highly recommend not to use the Selector Object and the Pager Object on the same Screen when they are associated with Entities on the same Relationship tree.



Selector properties and settings

Selector properties are available from the contextual right panel of the Screen editing page once the Object is selected.

The Object supports all options common to all Screen Objects.

Properties specific to the Selector Object are highlighted in the following image and explained below:

  • Selector type. Select one type of Selector from the following options:
    • Pop-up window. Click on the Selector to reveal a pop-up window where the user can make the desired selection
    • Vertical list. Displays a vertical list of all Entity members and allows the user to immediately make a selection with a few clicks. Depending on the Selection Mode setting, selected members can be highlighted with a blue tick or with a red "x".
      The row height automatically adapts to the font size applied to the member list
    • Horizontal list. Displays a horizontal list of all Entity members and allows the user to immediately make a selection with a few clicks. Selected members are highlighted with a blue underline (unless configured otherwise).
      The width of each item in the list is automatically defined depending on the member with the longest code or description
  • Selection Mode. If you select "Include", only highlighted members will be included in the selection. If you select "Exclude", only non-highlighted members will be included in the selection
  • Show Entity. Defines which information about Entity members should be displayed: default (as configured in the Entity settings menu in the Data model), code, description or both.
  • Show active members. Defines how active members (i.e. members included in the selection) should be displayed, grouped at the top or in their position in the list. The "Grouped at the top" option set on the "Horizontal list" Selector will show active members as first on the left hand side
  • Select one member only. Enable this option to allow only one member to be selected. If enabled, you won't be able to select multiple members
  • Show only active members. If you have made a selection, enable this option so that only members included in the selection available in Play mode. This option is available only if the Selection mode is set to "Include"
  • Show active counter. Shows/hides the active members counter on the "Vertical list" Selector. Example: 7/9
  • Show active percentage. Shows/hides the active members percentage bar on the "Pop-up window" Selector.



Interacting with the Selector Object in Design mode

In Design mode, the Selector Object provides the same interactive features available in Play mode.

The Pop-up window Selector offers the same options as the Select configuration window. See Configure, edit, reset a Select for more details.

Be aware that, if you apply a selection using a Selector in Design mode and save the Screen, that selection will be applied by default to the Screen in Play mode when the end user lands on it. See Selection application sequence (Select at runtime) to know more about the order in which Board executes selections on each Screen.



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