Cart and PinBoard

Cart and PinBoard are two aspects of the user reporting environment that Board is providing known like Self Business Intelligence.

Every user can save his favorite reports and charts in the Cart in order to create his PinBoards, new reporting objects, defined for each user.

In fact, while capsules are shared, PinBoards can not be shared and each user will have its own PinBoard set.


It's possible to collect your favorite objects into the board Cart, the object you put in the cart can be used to create PinBoards, as we'll see at the end of this chapter.


Which kind of objects can I add to cart?

Not every objects can be added to cart, in general we can say that we can add to cart whatever has a layout.


Can be added to cart:


Can NOT be added to cart:


How to add objects to cart?

To add an object to cart you have 2 ways:



You will be asked to name your object




Click "OK", the object will be placed in your Cart.

From now on we'll refer to cart objects as SmartViews.


You can add as many SmartViews as you want:



Screen Selections will be preserved when creating a SmartView, adding an object to Cart.



You will find SmartViews divided by database. Inside each database group, you can reorganize and rename objects, create subgroups and remove objects from the cart using the menu on the right (see the picture below).





Each user has his own Cart, Carts cannot be shared.


PinBoard and SmartViews

Double clicking a SmartView will open the PinBoard.

A PinBoard is a collection of interactive SmartViews.


Before showing how to use the PinBoard let's describe some SmartView and PinBoard Properties.

PinBoard Properties

PinBoards can be saved, Saved PinBoards will be shown into the Cart under "My PinBoards"







The figure shows the appearance of a PinBoard

SmartView Properties

Once you put a SmartView into a PinBoard, Board places it into a window that will show the layout object and will allow the user to interact with it. You can resize, move and close this window.

The image below shows a SmartView sample, obtained adding a DataView to Cart then to PinBoard. Main interactive buttons have been numbered, please check the legend on the left.





1. Show/Hide Annotations image4.gif

Displays or hides the annotation Area


2. Show/Hide Chart image3.gif

Displays or hides a chart based on DataView layout, column entity will determine the chart style, line chart for time entities columns otherwise.

Please note that this button exists only for DataView SmartViews. In chart, cockpit and bubblechart Smartviews this command is replaced by "Show/Hide DataView", identified by the image2.gif icon, displays or hides a DataView with the same layout of the chart, cockpit or bubblechart.


3. Print image5.gif

Prints the SmartView.


4. Export to Excel  image6.gif

Exports the DataView to Excel.


5. Select image8.gif

Opens the usual selection panel, the selection will be applied to the selected SmartView, not to the whole PinBoard


6. Annotation Area

Contains annotations, double click on it to edit annotations content and style, click on  "show/hide annotations" to show/hide it.



7. Chart Area

Contains chart, click "show/hide chart" to show/hide it.

Chart area can be hidden only if the original SmartView contains a DataView. Drill Down is possible only if the original SmartView is a chart one, otherwise you have to drill down into the DataView area. Clicking on a chart column or line the dataview corresponding cell will be highlighted (only DataView SmartViews).


8. Close Window

Removes the SmartView from the PinBoard, all unsaved changes to the SmartView get lost, no warning message will be prompted.


9. DataView Area

Contains DataView, click "show/hide DataView" to show/hide it.

DataView area can be hidden only if the original SmartView contains a DataView.


10. Drill Down image9.gif

Usual Drill down


11. Row Chart image10.gif

Limits the Chart only to the selected row


12. Resize

Drag this corner to resize window.

Changing Layouts

Layout change is allowed only for Charts and DataViews (cockpits and bubblecharts layouts cannot be changed), charts layout can be changed in the classical way, right click on the chart and click on Layout. To change DataViews Layouts Drag and Drop Layout must be used.