The Selector object allows the end user to select members of an entity, it is equivalent to using the screen Select function on a given entity. For example a Selector on the Month entity allows the user to choose one or more months, then the data on screen is immediately refreshed to reflect the selection.
The Selector object provides a quick access to the Select function of one entity, it allows to place directly on the Capsule screen the likely choices that a user may want to do, resulting in more intuitive and interactive screens.
The Selector has two display modes,
collapsed: when clicked, a pop-up window will open allowing the user to make the desired selection.
expanded: displays the full list of entity members and allows to the user to make a selection with a single click. The selected items are highlighted with a green tick as illustrated hereafter. To select multiple items or add items to a selection, keep the Ctrl key pressed and click the desired items. Members of the entity can be displayed vertically or horizontally as shown hereafter.
to enable the expanded mode click the property named Show complete list.
Resetting a selection only affects that selector and keeps unchanged the selections made on other entities (only selections made on less aggregate entities are reset).
Resetting a selection made on a selector resets the entity to the status of the screen select