The Select function defines the parts (a slice) of the InfoCube (or InfoCubes) to retrieve data from. A selection on entity members reduces data extracted from the database to the chosen items only. For example, by selecting the city of San Diego from the City entity, the data extracted from InfoCubes will be limited to San Diego only. After making a selection, all screen objects showing data extracted from InfoCubes are refreshed.
The selection is a property of the screen; when a selection is made, it applies to all screen objects, including procedures launched from that screen.
When a selection is made on an entity part of a hierarchy it is propagates to all entities of the hierarchy. For example by selecting the city of San Diego from the City entity, immediately the selection is propagated to parent entities, for example the Sate of California and down to less aggregated entities, for example all Customers of San Diego.
To access the select function,
click the Select icon located in the quick access bar,
or click the Board Button
then point the Select item from the list.
or choose the Select item from the ribbon bar.
The Graphical View option displays the entities organized in hierarchies.
The Select function becomes accessible only if a capsule and a database are open.
If the current capsule screen is linked to two or databases, the Select window will display one tab per database, each containing the Select function for a database. Selections made on one database do not affect other databases, or otherwise said, each Select applies to one database only.