
The Board Finance Planning Application (BFP) is a Cloud Based Solution that support Budgeting, Planning and Reporting Process.

Connect to your Board Cloud Server and Open the BFP_Planning Capsule. The Home Screen prompts out.


The Planning Process is per Reporting Unit that can be any Organizational Unit you loaded in the Reporting Unit Dimension. The RU is then the entry point. Select from the top right corner the RU you like, unless your security profile already pre/select a single RU for you.


In the right body layer you have some information about the Current Budget and Forecast Scenario or Version and their status.

Data Entry si admitted only if the Status is Open. Available Scenarios are

> for the Budget the Current Fiscal Year or the Year that has been setup like "current" . Please refer to Admin Capsule.

> for the Forecast the Current Version. Please refer to Admin Capsule.





In the left Layer Menu four sections are available :

> ACTUAL update : you can use this to load your actual data in the Application

> BUDGET Editor : you can use this to budget

> FORECAST  Editor : you can use this to forecast.

> REPORTING PACKAGE : a reporting package is available


You can use the WORKFLOW Manager to update the status of the Planning Process for your RU.



The difference between BUDGET and FORECAST are :

> You can have only one Version of the Budget per FY. Several Versions are available for the Forecast

> The Periods available for Data Entry can be different for the Budget and the Forecast

> The  Periods not available for Data Entry of the Forecast are Updated with Actuals