About the Layout

The Layout object defines a query on the multidimensional database. It specifies what (InfoCubes and calculated fields) and how (the aggregation level) data should be retrieved from the Board database. A Layout belongs to or is associated to a data-presentation object such as a DataView, a Chart, a Bubble Chart, and other objects from the Toolbox. The Layout is the query definition and the associated presentation object is the form with which the resulting data set is viewed.

A Layout is made of four fundamental parts,

Depending on the object to which the Layout is linked, other tabs are available for configuring the specific object's properties and settings.



When a Layout is executed, the data set retrieved is dynamically filtered by multiple layers of filters: the user's security profile selection, the screen Select, the Pagers selections and the Layout's Select. The selection filters are first applied, then query is executed and data retrieved from the database.