BFC 2.1 release incorporates different enhancements and optimizations in the following areas :
Adjustment Journal : it has been improved the printing and export to PDF function. The Journal now can include the Automatic Adjustments with proper indexing.
Journalize Automatic Adjustment
Click on the "Journalize Automatic Adjustment" to import in the Adjustment Journal the automatic adjustment records form Layer L10-01 to L10-05 for the Open Month/Scenario
All the adjustment rows for a given Layer are indexed on an ad-hoc registration number . (e.g. All the Adjustment rows from L10-01 IC Elimination are plugged on the "fake" Adjustment Number 05-IC Automatic Adjustment).
The Automatic Adjustments can be selected or excluded from the journal using the Adjustment Nature.
Export Adjustment Journal
Click on the top right PDF Icon to export the printable version of the Adjustment Journal in XPS format. The Document is saved in the local user Desktop like Adjustment_Journal.xps
Insert Adjustment Comments
It is now possible to insert comment on Adjustment Rows.
From the Adjustment Rows Editor click on the Add Element Icon of the Adjustment Rows (Comment) block and type your comment.
Click on the Save Icon when done.
Scenario Management : it is now possible to copy Balances from and to different Scenarios to facilitate budgeting or simulation.
Open the Copy Scenario Screen in the Application Setup Section of the Admin Capsule.
Click on the combination of Scenario and Period you like to Copy From : green cells in the left Table.
Click on the combination of Scenario and Period you like to Copy To: green cells in the right Table.
The Copy is done. The Copy includes all the FC Layers. It doesn't include the Adjustment Heading and Rows.
You can click on the green cells only. If you click on the blank cells an error message prompts out.
The "Copy From" Green cells are given by the following criteria :
> the Status of the combination of Scenario and Period must be in "Available"
The "Copy To" Green cells are given by the following criteria :
> the Status of the combination of Scenario and Period can't be in "Archived" or "Closed"
> the copy To Scenario can't never be "Actual"
Minor Improvements
The Disclosure Schema Dimension has been added to facilitate Accounts grouping for the issue of the Disclosure Note. By default it is given accordingly to European Regulations. It is possible to map the Accounts in the Screen "010-04 Account Groups" of the Admin Capsule.
Select from the drop down list the available items. Click on the Save Icon when done and then press "Confirm" Button.
A red alert highlights those Accounts that have not been mapped yet.
It is then possible to edit the Disclosure Schema in the "070-03 Disclosure Schema Groups" Screen.
IC accounts are now correctly eliminated in L10-01 and L10-02 when counter part is in scope (current year) and was out of scope (previous year)
It is now possible to have no accounts translated at HIS Rate : by default the AVG Exchange Rate is applied
Several Exhaustive descriptions of the Validation reports have been incorporated in the Troubleshooting Capsule
The Layer 12-01 (Profit elimination after Contribution Adjustment) has been added : it is now possible to eliminate the Profit and Loss that have been generated from Contribution Adjustment and recalculate Group and Minorities Profit and Loss. If you like to disable this calculation remove the Flag on the Super Settings "Profit Elimination of L12 (Y/N)" in the general Settings Screen of the Admin Capsule. By default the setup is Yes.
BFC 2.1 can be open with Board 9.1 or later version.
You can migrate from BFC 2.0.2 with and Xtract All and re-Load All.
If you need to migrate from BFC 2.0 you can proceed with and Xtract All and re-Load All but only if you didn't add or change any existing info-cube. Please check with the BFC Support for additional information.