The difference between RU and its Counterpart balance can be given by a difference in the Exchange Rate or a mistake in the registration of the transaction.
To better spot out such mistakes, it could be useful to have the capability to compare the balances with a further break down level: the transaction currency and/or transaction Document.
Transaction Currency is the Currency you adopted to register the balance that of course can be different from your GL System currency.
The data with this additional break down level can be loaded automatically with an ad-hoc data-reader protocol.
After the execution of the Update Reconciliation Report Procedure choose the Scenario/Month you like to reconcile, the Consolidation Node and Finally the Reporting Unit.
For the Report Layout Description please refer to the IC Reconciliation Report.
The Difference is that the Previous Amount in Local GL Currency is now broken down by Registration Currency.
Additionally you can even break down by Document clicking on the BS/PL Check Button. The Amount per Document is also translated per Local GL Currency to better check with the GL Transactional System .
ACME Int. GL Local Currency is EUR but it registered IC Transaction using three different Currencies AED,EUR and USD.
In the Sample above then there is only one cumulative document per Transaction Currency.
These data do not influence the Consolidation process, they only facilitate the IC Matching, their granularity can then be targeted on specific requirements simply adding even additional dimensions of analysis.
If you alter the cube dimension you have also to adapt the Reverse procedure .
If you don't need to reconcile by Transaction Document you can Load in the Transaction Document Dimension the Transaction Currency with a one to one relationship with the Transaction Currency.