Transactions (Balance Sheet and P&L) among RUs witihin the same Consolidation Node must be eliminated.
This Step executes the elimination of the IC Accounts TBs in the layer 10-01
Set Selections
The Selections are Saved as L10-01 and Opening Select (please refer to Overview Section).
Additional selection all through the process are the Intra Group Party = Y that means selecting only those Counterparts which are recognized as Intercompany (e.g. Customers are excluded since they are recognized as 3P (Third Party)).
Eliminates the IC Amount
In the following steps the Eliminations happens as -(a) where a is the Conso Value cube (refer to L08) and b is the Conso Value cube (SEL L10-01).
Such amount must then be re-balanced on proper Plug Accounts. This happens through the "W Conso Value for L10x Elimination (total by Account)" cube that works as "bridge" cube without the Account dimension.
Across all the Movements (excluding OPE and PAL) the IC Accounts TBs are eliminated as -TBs proportionally to the least Conso% Percentage between the RU and its Counter Part. (e.g. in RU1 vs IC1 the 80% is taken, in RU1 vs IC2 the 60% is taken).
By default four Plug Accounts are provided accordingly to previous schema above.
How to ...
Increment the number of Plug Account for Reporting or accuracy purposes.
> Create the New Plug Accounts in the dimension "Accounts" and "Tech Account for Selection" with the proper relationships
> Create the New Accounts in the dimension "Tech Account for IC Elimination" with the proper relationships with the "Account" dimension
> Copy and Paste in the "060-01 Elimination (I/C)" the following sub-procedure
changing the Select accordingly and including the execution of the sub-procedure in the Go To procedure step.