Data model snapshot

This topic describes the Data model snapshot section, how to create a Data model snapshot, and its other features.


The Data model snapshot page allows you to create and manage snapshots of the desired Data models. A Data model snapshot captures the current state of the structure (i.e. metadata) of a Data model. Snapshots can then be used to create a Transporter package in order to transport the structure of a Data model to another one, either on the same  Platform or on a different Platform.



To access the Data model snapshot section, access the System Administration area of the desired Platform and click on the Data model snapshot tile. You will be taken to the Data model snapshot page.

In the Data model snapshot page, you can see all existing snapshots and their main information: the table is sortable and searchable using the interactive header fields. You can also show or hide columns to your liking, by clicking the Column chooser button in the upper right corner of the table.

The table contains the following information:

  • Model. This column displays the name of the Data model of which each snapshot was created
  • Snapshot. This column displays the name of each Data model snapshot
  • Date time. This column displays the date and time each Data model snapshot was created, in the following format: DD/MM/YY, HH:MM (i.e. 07/06/2023, 10:00)
  • Environment. This column displays the name of the environment where each Data model snapshot was created (i.e. "Production" or "Development" etc.)
  • User. This column displays the Account name of the user that created each Data model snapshot
  • Change log. This column displays an icon that you can click to check all changes that have been made to a Data model up to the time each Data model snapshot was created. Click on the icon of the desired Data model snapshot to open its "Change log" pop-up window which displays the following information about changes made to the Data model:
    • Date. This column displays the date and time of each change that was made to the Data model, in the following format: DD/MM/YY, HH:MM (i.e. 07/06/2023, 10:00)
    • Object type. This column displays the type of Data model element that was modified in each change
    • Author. This column displays the Account name of the user that made each change
  • Comments. This column displays additional comments about each Data model snapshot. You can click on the desired column cell to edit a comment



Creating a Data model snapshot

To create a Data model snapshot, proceed as follows:

  1. From the Data model snapshot section of the desired Platform, click on “+SNAPSHOT” in the upper left corner to bring up the "Create new snapshot" configuration pop-up window
  2. Choose the Data model of which you want to create a snapshot from the "Data model" drop-down list
  3. Enter the name of the Data model snapshot in the "Snapshot name" field
  4. Enter your desired note or comments in the "Comment" field, if needed
  5. Click "OK" to save the snapshot

The newly created snapshot captures only the structure (i.e. metadata) of a Data model and not the actual data contained inside. For example, a snapshot includes Cubes and Entities but excludes the values contained in Cubes and members contained in Entities.

If you are transporting the Data model from a Development environment to a Production environment, it is highly recommended not to perform any modifications to the target Data model in the Production environment after its snapshot has been created in order to avoid any inconsistencies between the snapshot of the target Data model and the existing Data model in the Production environment.

It is highly recommended to always have a "master" development snapshot during and after the deployment of a Board solution, which will be used as a single source of truth.


Managing a Data model snapshot

The Data model snapshot page allows you to perform the following management tasks on existing Data model snapshots:

  • Rename a Data model snapshot
  • Remove a Data model snapshot
  • Download a Data model snapshot to your local machine
  • Upload a Data model snapshot to the Platform you are working on
  • Create a Transporter package


To rename a Data model snapshot, select the desired one and click on "RENAME". A pop-up window will appear where you can change the name and click "OK" to save the new name.


To delete a Data model snapshot, select the desired one and then click on the "DELETE" button.


To download Data model snapshots, select the desired ones and then click on the "DOWNLOAD" button. A .trsp file containing the selected snapshots will be downloaded to your local machine.


To upload Data model snapshots, click on the "UPLOAD" button and choose the .trsp file containing the desired snapshots.


To create a Data model transporter package, select at least one snapshot and click on "+TRANSPORTER PACKAGE" to bring up the Transporter package configuration panel. See this page for more information.


Useful resources: