Create a request form

  • Applies to: all Board Cloud subscriptions  associated with a Subscription Hub

HOW: Configure a request form for a manual approval enrollment process

You can enhance the enrollment process by asking additional information to the applicant through a request form. The request form is configured in the "REQUEST FORM" page and can include existing User metadata fields, custom fields you can create on the fly and textual info boxes to better guide the applicant throughout the process.

Custom fields created on the fly can be set as mandatory or optional, while existing User metadata will keep their configuration. To know more about User metadata, please refer to this page.

You can click the “PREVIEW” button to see how your request form looks at any time.

To speed up user account creation we recommend you include all mandatory User metadata fields in the request form, otherwise approvers will have to fill in required information before approving each user's access request.


The following steps will guide you through the request form creation process:

  1. Customize the "email" field by adding the email domains you wish to allow for requests

    You can add multiple domains separated by a comma: one of them must match the email domain that the user inputs during enrollment.
    If no domain is entered, the field will accept any email address entered by the user.
    If a user inputs a disallowed email domain, the system won't send any verification email and the enrollment process will stop.

  2. Use the “+NEW FIELD" button to add a new field and start the configuration process
  3. Choose a field type from the options provided in the pop-up menu, configure it and add it to the request form.
    The field type available are: 
    • User metadata. The User metadata option allows you to choose an existing User metadata field to be included in the request form

      Once the enrollment process is completed, all information entered by the user in these fields will be saved in his/her user account. The user will also be able to review or edit this information under the "My Profile" page within the Board platforms he/she can access.

    • Text. The Text option allows you to create and add a text field on the fly. To learn how to configure this option, please refer to this page
    • Dropdown list. The Dropdown list option allows you to create and add a dropdown list on the fly. To learn how to configure this option, please refer to this page
    • Info Box. The Info Box option allows you to add a custom help text to assist the user while filling the form
  4. Repeat the process to add up to 9 fields to your request form
  5. Click the “SAVE” button in the bottom right corner of the page

By dragging and dropping each row, you can rearrange the field order except for the "eMail" field, which is fixed and cannot be modified. You can also edit or delete fields by clicking the corresponding icons that appear on mouse hover.

Users will be prompted to fill in the form during a manual approval enrollment process, right after email verification: all information provided by the user will be sent to designated approvers via e-mail to evaluate the access request.


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