System Administration
The System Administration section of Board is dedicated to administrators of a single Platform.
From the administration area, a user with the necessary privileges can manage and view users, security profiles, licenses, the graphical theme of the Platform and much more.
Access to the System Administration section depends on your User license and Role: only users with a Developer license and an appropriate security profile can see and access the System Administration section.
Cloud-based customers using Board Subscription Hub have a slightly different set of tools in the System Administration section, since all User management tasks and other administrative aspects are handled by the Subscription Hub.
Under Users & Security - or Security in case a platform is not associated with a Subscription Hub - it is possible to define User authorizations regarding folder access, Capsules access and editing and Data model access and editing. You can also manage Users and, in case a Subscription Hub is associated with the platform, access it right away.
Under Monitoring it is possible to review user activities, see which tasks that are currently running (such as Dataflows, Data Readers, Layout executions and more) and configure system logs. Platforms not associated with a Subscription Hub will also show details about the main Board license, users licenses and which additional features are enabled.
Under Administration it is possible to manage the Broadcasting function, that allows to send via e-mail a Board Presentation to a list of recipients on a scheduled basis, configure Data sources for Data models, translate text strings according to selected languages, define visual elements of the user interface, upload taxonomies for iXBRL reports and configure the internal search engine of Board.
Under Transporter it is possible to take Data model snapshots in order to compare them and apply metadata changes from a source Data model to a target Data model. Entities, Cubes and Relationships can be transferred, but not the actual data. It is also possible to execute this process via Windows PowerShell, command line or Unix shell.